The Ultimate Book Tag

Hey guys!

I am coming to you with a book tag today!! I was researching some ideas for my blog and I found many book tags that I loved the look of - so I thought it would be fun to answer one! This one is The Ultimate Book Tag. I know tags are probably really old but I find questions like this so interesting to find out about others and so fun to do at the same time.

Do you get sick while reading in the car?
Yes!! I get so travel sick on any mode of transport so picking up a book can be quite difficult for me if I am going long distances!

Which authors writing style is completely unique to you and why?
I love C.L. Taylor and Matt Haig's writing - I guess they just never fail to disappoint me!

Harry Potter of the Twilight Saga?
Harry Potter.

Do you smell your books?
Of course!! Who doesn't?

Books with or without little illustrations?
I love books with little illustrations in - I think they are so cute. But not many books that I read have them in which is a shame.

What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn't quality reading?
I can't think of anything that springs to mind if I am honest!

Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood?
I don't really have any funny stories but I remember when I was around 6-7 and my friends were playing on the street and I just sat on the pavement in my socks reading a book!! I guess this is a story that shows the bookworm in me! Typical!!

What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
The Inside Out Revolution

What is your thickest book on your shelf?
It looks like One Day. (BTW - a beautiful book ;))!!

Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I would LOVE to be an author in another life - I just don't have the creativity for it. I don't write - the closest thing to me writing is these blog posts, I don't aim to be a writer either. I would love a job with something related to books though. Please can we just get paid for reading books all day? WHAT A DREAM.

When did you get into reading?
I have been reading since I was really young, I can't remember the exact age but for as long as I can remember I have always been a bookworm - I so much prefer books to people.

What is your favourite classic book?
The Great Gatsby/To Kill a Mockingbird/Of Mice and Men - I don't really read many classics but over the summer when I have more time I am planning to read lots more, so if you have any suggestions please let me know!

If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated, what would you do?
I am so awkward when receiving presents. I think I would probably just pretend to love it and then just keep it on my shelves forever!!

Those questions were so fun to answer!! Let me know some of your answers in the comments below! I would love to hear what your answers are - especially about a funny story relating to books!!


