How To Fit In Time To Read!

Hey guys!

I know so many of you on my Instagram are in full/part time jobs, education or parents! So the majority of us are super busy most days and may struggle to fit in reading time for ourselves! I know that I especially do when I am full to the top with university work!!

I thought it would make a nice blog post to talk about how I make time each day to read when I'm super busy! It would be good to know how you guys make extra time for reading when you are busy?

Reading is SO important for me, it helps me wind down after a busy/stressful day, it helps to clear my mind and escape from reality by entering the fictional worlds! I always try to make time for reading each day, whether that be just reading for 15 minutes or an hour or two!

1) On my most busiest days, where I am surrounded by lectures, revision, tests (does the list end at uni? probably not), I often feel "guilty" in a sense for reading and not using my time to go over lecture work. I don't always read every day at times like this, mainly because after uni I am so exhausted. BUT ... when I do I like to squeeze some time in by reading on the way to and from uni, it is only a 10 minute bus ride at most the majority of times, so it isn't a huge amount of time to read but it means I can manage to squeeze a handful of pages in! This way - I don't have my guilt that I am not doing enough work, but also getting some reading in each day. This is only really applicable to those who use public transport - but using your time on public transport to read is a great way to fit in a bit extra time during your day!

2) I am such an early bird. Everything I do I get too so much earlier than necessary. Sometimes I arrive onto campus 40 minutes before my lecture even starts!! Although, this works out so well for me as it means I can fit even more reading in during my day! I like to always find a quiet place to sit with my book just before my lecture starts!! So, a good tip to squeeze some extra pages in is to read when you are early to appointments or activities! ALWAYS carry a book with you so you have the opportunity to read when you are waiting!

3) When I am not so busy with uni work, especially on weekends, I usually like to fit in a couple of hours reading in! This just helps to separate my mind from the busy week I would have had. Even though, on the weekends I still like to get lots of uni work done - I make time by always making sure I have stopped anything I am doing during the day by atleast 8.30-9pm! This gives me an extra hour or two to relax with my book before I go to sleep!! Reading always makes me feel tired so I love to read before I go to sleep. It is also a perfect opportunity to not be on your phone before bed and wind down.

4) Another way I like to fit some reading in is by reading while my food is cooking! It usually takes 20-30 minutes so I think this is the perfect opportunity to be able to fit some reading in. I don't like to read while I am eating though so it is simply when food is cooking that I take the opportunity to read!

I love to find different times of the day where I can squeeze some reading in!

How do you find time to read when you are so busy?! I think I need more ways to fit some reading in for when it gets to exam season!

Holl x
