Bookish Q&A!

Hey guys!
I was slightly struggling with finding any motivation to write any reviews for the books I have read but I really wanted to write a new post ... so I thought what better than a book related 'get to know me' post!!

Question #1 - What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading the non-fiction 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari. It is essentially the history of Humans and why we are where we are today. It is SUPER informative and I am loving it so much so far. I tend to read non-fiction a lot slower than fiction so I can take in all of the information so I have no idea how long this will be my current read for!

Question #2 - Do you have an e-reader?
YES!! I have the Kindle Paperweight and I LOVE it! I prefer reading physical books for sure but it is so much easier to take a Kindle on holiday so if I am going somewhere where I know I will have time to read lots of books I tend to opt for my Kindle!

Question #3 - Can you read on the bus or moving vehicles?
Yes - most of the time anyway. I tend to usually read on the bus to and from uni as that seems to be the time I don't feel guilty for not studying! Don't get me wrong I do read during the days as well when I have time but during busy periods at uni travelling is the only time I have!

Question #4 - Have you ever read a self-help book?
Yes - Fearne Cotton's 'Happy' is one of my favourites!! Self-help books are so important to me as I can so often get trapped in feeling overwhelmed with everything going on around me so I find it super important for myself to read these types of books.

Question #5 - Where is your favourite place to read?
For me this HAS to be my bed - with lots of blankets and a cup of tea/hot chocolate. I love being all cosy in bed with a good book. Although, when the weather is nice (which it rarely is anymore!!!) I do love to go and sit by the canal for an hour with my book or sit in a nice quiet park!

Question #6 - Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you have read them?
On the whole, I much prefer to give the books I have read to charity. This way somebody else gets to enjoy the book for much cheaper, than a usual book-store, that essentially I would not pick up again after reading and the charity also benefits. I only give the books away that I know I will never read again. Some of my all-time favourites that I know I will pick back up again I tend to keep until I have finished with it. I am also such a minimal person as well so having so many books on my shelf that I would have to drag back and forth from uni to home that I wouldn't ever read again just doesn't personally work with me. Don't get me wrong though I find it SO HARD to part with books I loved - there are so many sat on my shelf right now that I need to get round to taking to a charity shop as right now I just can't bear to let them go!

Question #7 - Favourite childhood book?
Without a doubt ANY BOOK by Jacqueline Wilson!! She was 100% my favourite author when I was a child. I always had my head stuck into one of her books. My favourite was Candyfloss and I remember that one so well! Also the Tracy Beaker books I loved. It would be so cool to read her books again now that I'm a lot older!!

That's all the questions I will be answering for now! I LOVE question&answers so I may do more another time!! Let me know some of your answers!

Holl x
