
Hey guys!! 
This first post is basically just an introduction about me and why I decided to start writing this blog!

I'm Holly and I am 19(20 in a WEEK!!) and studying for a psychology degree at uni - hence why some of my reads may be very psychology based! 
As you can see my favourite things are anything to do with books or reading! Visiting book stores, walking round libraries, reading at any point during the day and looking at pictures of books. There just simply isn't anything better!

I got the idea to start this blog from instagram, as I do reviews and many book posts over there, and I couldn't think of anything better than starting a blog so I could do longer reviews than on instagram and for people to get to know me much more!!

This is only a short post today but there will be book reviews, posts about my favourite books, my favourite places to read, book hauls and many more coming your way so look out for those!

Above are some of my favourite books that I brought to university with me as I couldn't bare to leave them at home - I would definitely recommend them if you haven't read them before - especially Matt Haig's books. In my next post I will be writing about some of my favourite books and why I love them so much. 

I hope you enjoy my blog! Feel free to leave some ideas of any posts you would like to read! 

Holl x

